
The other day Grace found a ladybug in the backyard and promptly named her Kathy.

She carried her around for a good while, even giving her a tour of our house.  Then she made Kathy a bed.

She flipped her little green stool upside down, put in her little doll pillow and added some grass so Kathy would feel at home.

Kathy hung out in her new digs for quite some time.  We brought to the front where the whole family was hanging out as I watered the garden and Jared changed a tire.  Then finally, Kathy flew the coop.

I went into the house for something and before I knew it I heard Grace calling sincerely at the top of her lungs



I felt my heart swell as I realized she was calling for her beloved ladybug as though she were a lost dog.

I love her imagination.

Yesterday Grace found a rolly polly and named her Kathy…

Our pretty little Victorian gets a makeover

I’ll never forget the first time we ‘re-painted’ this house.  We were under contract and the GC  remodeling the house told us we could pick out the colors if we wanted.  I was thrilled!  I headed to Home Depot and hemmed and hawed and used my color coordinating ‘skills’ and emerged with three colors I just knew would make our little home a stunning Victorian.

A few days later my sister Jill called me.  She had driven by the house to check it out and wondered if I knew that they had poured Pepto Bismol all over my house???

No joke, what your brain just pictured is probably accurate. Clearly, I got no ‘skills’.  You see, choosing exterior paint colors is not as easy as one would think.
I swear in the store I picked a beautiful rusty red color with two lighter accents…uh no.

It was an expensive mistake so second time around I let the contractor pick the colors and just asked for green and neutral.

So this is what we got.

Meh.  No too terrible I suppose.  But nothing worth bragging about for sure.

Several years, snow and rainstorms later this poor painted lady started to show her wear.  There’s some very cool architectural detail on the house with the boxes and buttons, the sunbursts, etc.  But pieces were falling off and because of the boring color palette nothing was being highlighted as it should be.

The cheap wooden house numbers were cracked, split, worn and had even fallen off a couple of times.

Some of the bricks were crumbling and the mailbox, although not related to the paint, had sympathy pains for the rest of the house and started to fall off as well.

Well, last summer we finally reached a point where we could afford to do the house justice with a truly professional paint job.  We hired a company (Ireland’s Finest) who also uses a color consultant (an obvious must for me) and whose work I’ve seen around town and loved.   5 colors would have been ideal but a little out of our price range so we settled on 3.  And *TADA* here she is:

Ahhhhh, so. much. better.

You can see they were able to replace the missing wooden pieces which makes all the difference.

They repaired the crumbling brick, rehung the mailbox…even painted the stairs.  We purchased some metal house numbers and hung them above the door.

Everything just looks cleaner.

Here’s the side by side for the full affect

We LOVE it.  So what did we do? Rented her out and moved just a few short months later of course.  Go figure.

Bunny Butt Cupcakes

There is an abundance of Easter treat cuteness on Pinterest (as I’m sure you all know…come on admit your addicted).  I stopped cold though when I came across these from Created by Diane:

No brainer, these are the winners.  This past weekend we threw an early Easter celebration coupled with Jared’s birthday party so it was the perfect excuse make ‘bunny butt cupcakes’.

Knowing that the decorating part would take awhile, I decided to save time by using store bought cake and frosting (picture me briefly hanging my head in shame).  I used Diane’s idea of the marshmallow for the tail but I had ‘white sparkling sugar’ sprinkles in my cupboard and no nonpareils so sparkly tails it would be. Just dip the marshmallow in water and roll…

Grace helped me along with the feet (melted white chocolate in a Wilton’s Squeeze bottle – my new favorite tool by the way). No, it’s not that we have neglected to brush her hair in two weeks, she’s just fresh out of the shower 😉

I made 32 cupcakes so 64 feet…wow.

Let them dry

then flipped them over and painted on the pads and toes with pink candy melts

I wanted to see if I could make them look more ‘furry’ so I rolled half of them in coconut and dang, these are stinkin’ cute if I do say so myself.

I still liked the smooth look too though

I made a gluten free cake topper for Jared with the frosting (his favorite – peanut butter cream cheese, recipe below) in green to coincide with the colors of the wrappers.  Here’s the The Cupcake Tower displayed at Auntie Gay’s house:

Ta Da!  So fun.

Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Frosting:

(frosts 18-24 cupcakes depending on whether you’re spreading with a knife or piping with a bag)

1 C. softened cream cheese

1/2 C. peanut butter

2-3 C. of powdered sugar (depending on how sweet you like it)

3 Tbsp. milk

Combine all ingredients in a bowl.  I usually hand mix slowly until most of the powdered sugar is absorbed so as not to powder my entire kitchen when I turn on the mixer!  Mix until smooth.

Aunt Jann’s Coconut Macaroons (gluten free!)

I happened to marry into a family of amazing cooks (no pressure), one of whom is Jared’s Aunt Jann.  She recently sent out several of her recipes to the family in order to gain some feedback for a cookbook she intends to write and I was lucky enough to receive a handful of them.  Grace and I decided the other day to start with her Coconut Macaroons, who says you can’t start with dessert?

These are easy folks.  I mean EASY.  And yet, I still managed to mess up the first batch (we’ll get into that in a minute).

Here’s your ingredients:

2 Egg Whites

1/4 tsp. salt

1/3 cup sugar

14 tsp. almond extract

1 C. shredded unsweetened coconut

Preheat oven to 325 °and line cookie sheet with parchment paper. Beat egg whites and salt until almost stiff.  Gradually add sugar and beat until egg whites stand in peaks*.  Add flavoring and fold in coconut.  Drop by teaspoonful onto parchment paper and bake for 15 minutes, rotating for even browning.  Cool slightly and remove.

*Here’s where I messed up.  With my first batch I didn’t beat them long enough and they were almost runny before baking, chewy afterwards.  The second batch I  really paid attention and they were much fluffier!

Here’s my girl in action

Every good baker should taste test right?

Such a pro.

Ta Da!

Of course they look particularly pretty on The Cupcake Tower in some mini cupcake liners

My review:

These are delicious!  My only revision with the second batch was that I put 11 teaspoons of the Almond Extract instead of 14 to cut the sweetness just a bit.  But this is definitely a personal preference, I’m the gal who only orders 1 pump of flavoring in her grande Starbucks latte’.

My favorite part about these is how fast and easy they are.

Thanks Aunt Jann!  I’m sharing this recipe as a teaser and will let you all know when the cookbook is PUBLISHED 🙂


How the warm weather saved my last shred of sanity

Last week was an exasperating ‘Mommy’ week.

See this drawer?

It’s the kids drawer for all of their plates, bowls and cups.  So why is it empty you ask?

Well, because Jack has a new hobby of throwing things down the stairs.  This includes Daddy’s shoes, Grace’s toy grocery cart (with all the groceries of course) and most recently he discovered how fun emptying out the drawer onto the stairs is.  Can you hear the delight in my voice?

Here’s the yellow in flight.

I have nicknamed him ‘Destructo’.  He loves to make a mess.  As I am cleaning in one part of the room, he’s messing up the other part.  It’s madness.

Then there’s this girl

Looks innocent enough but recently she’s decided to sass, just about all day every day.  As a mom you just start to pray that they will be good just so that you can stop hearing ‘No’, ‘Stop that’ and ‘Go stand in the corner’  come out of your mouth.

Enter: Sunshine.  Oh praise God for the warm days we’ve been having.  The kids LOVE being outside as much as I love tossing them out!

Grace loves to wind up on the swing (remember doing this?)

and of course Jack loves to fly back and forth in his plane…

Here’s Grace pretending to let Jack knock her down

and give them a cup of water with some paintbrushes and they’re quiet for an hour

Hello static cling

Sunshine, please please don’t go away.  Please.

Meanwhile, what was little Luke up to?  Some tummy time…and not totally thrilled about it

But he was a good sport and worked until he wore himself out

He was happy to be flipped over