Category Archives: Crafty

Guppy Love

Grace’s preschool is MWF so they had their Valentine’s party today (15th).  Despite my hectic schedule I couldn’t help but to go overboard for this inaugural occasion – just had to get crafty!

Between Jack’s doc appt and taking Daddy out to a Valentine’s Day lunch we cranked these out:

Hard to believe but I actually did NOT find these on Pinterest, I did the old fashioned ‘google’ search and found them on Disney’s Family Fun website.  They were super easy aside from the fact that Jack insisted on being held while we made them.  I don’t mean sitting on my lap – I mean 100% feet dangling type of hold.  Hey, the boy wants what the boy wants! Don’t worry, I try to limit spoiling my children to when the kids are ‘under the weather’.  Of course Jack has been sick all dang winter…hmmmmm???

Grace helped pick out the paper and glue them together – she loved it.  Aren’t they irresistible?

We added a little note to each classmate on the back:

So after our lunch date with Daddy, a run into Joann’s for googly eyes and a quick  trip to the grocery store for cookie dough (my visions of homemade cookies evaporated as quickly as my day did yesterday) we rolled these babies out baked them just before running out the door to dance class:

While it may LOOK like Grace did the decorating don’t laugh as I tell you it was all me.  I thought I was cool enough to pull something like this off but let’s be real, I have my limitations!  Not to mention I started these around 11pm after Jared and I eeked out a Valentines date.  But hey, when you squint and look at them from afar they are pretty darn adorable 🙂

All that was left was to put them all together so I used cellophane bags and twist tied the cards on.  Viola:

Here’s my little Valentine this morning (the red sweater barely lasted for the 12 second photo op):

xoxo (whew I’m tired!)